Sessions Production Payroll has been providing payroll services for background talent for 43 years and many of our employees have been here for nearly half of our lifetime. Our founder and CEO, Jim Knight, has been at the helm for all 43 years. While other companies have merged or been absorbed into conglomerates, Sessions remains fiercely independent. This is so that we can continue to provide the 1:1 attention and care that makes clients feel like family.

Because of Sessions' stellar employee retention rate, job vacancies don't open up frequently, but when they do, here's what to expect, and how to get hired.

But first, you might be wondering what exactly a payroll accountant does.

Here at Sessions, we call our payroll accountants "Paymasters," and that's what our experienced team is: masters of payment. Our Paymasters have payroll down to a science. Payroll is a repetitious and often monotonous task, but it does require attention to detail and the ability to spy with your little eye anything that looks off.

On a typical day, a Sessions Paymaster is interfacing with the Production Accountants on any given television or streaming show, film or videogame. They work with the Production Accountants to receive the background talents' vouchers, process them, meticulously input the information into a database, then receive approval to start printing those checks. Our Paymasters are great at multitasking and have excellent interpersonal communication skills - two skills that employers appreciate.

Paymasters don't often need specialized degrees, but people who have previous experience at any type of payroll company or have worked as Production Accountants or on productions in general are very much in demand. Paymasters must be so familiar with SAG's collective bargaining agreement that it becomes a second language. They also must know every state's individual payment requirements, a skill that can also come in handy at cocktail parties (we never promised you'd be the hit of the party).

A career in entertainment payroll isn't the most glamorous job, but many payroll accountants have long, successful careers making a good salary. 

If you're interested in a career in entertainment payroll, follow our blog and social media accounts for job opportunities. 

Who knows, maybe you're the next Sessions Paymaster, ready to usher in the next 40+ years at Sessions.